Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 1, Day 2

Walked 45 minutes. Met with Lisa. Got the much needed wallop on the head. And here's the new plan. There is no 5 day walk plan. I have to walk all 7 days. Every single day.

Started on the diet today. Nothing new. Nothing I have'nt done before. But I am hoping to stick on this time till the target is reached. Target being 55 kilos. In 6 months.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 1, Day 1

Here goes...

1. Walked for 45 minutes today.

It had rained heavily last night and walking beneath the trees and greenery felt good. Soothing. Of course, my thinghs hurt like a
mother right now.

@. Stayed off sweets and fries...but its just been a day.

I have an appointment with Lisa tomorrow. I went to her briefly in 2007 and found some results. Hope it works this time too!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New beginnings

Ok, I can kick myself. After going down to 68, I gave it all up and am back to 70.9..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeksss!!

So where did I go wrong the last time? First, I dont think I blogged enough and made myself accountable enough. So this time around, I am starting with 2 simple goals -

1. Stay away from sweets and fries
2. Workout

all for the grand period of 5 days.

I am going to update this blog every single day.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The numbers in the open

I have never been comfortable discussing my weight. Not in a general, 'you have put on so much weight' way and definitely not the specifics. But this time, inspired by many bravehearts out there, I am going to do it. So here is the truth out in the open. Deep sigh.

Starting weight : 72 kgs
Target weight : 65 kgs by 1st of March, 2010

7 kilos in 4 months. Very, very doable. If only I can stick to my plan. I intend to. It's just not a matter of choice any more.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Why this blog?

Anyone who sees me today will find it difficult to believe I was a skinny child. And yet, 20 odd years of bad eating later, here I am bordering on obesity. How I HATE that word!

I have made several attempts in the past to get back into shape. Some attempts have fizzled out even before it got off the ground. Some gave me modest results for a time before I gave up. This time around, no half-hearted attempts would do. I am fighting for my health.

This blog is my way of holding myself accountable to my commitment to lose weight. Hopefull, it will help and inspire some of you to do the same.

I start this blog weighing in at 71 kgs, 5 months after the birth of my daughter. My sugar levels are just reaching a point where, if I do not pay some serious attention to them, could put me in deep shit. story begins here...hopefully it will lead down a slimmer, healthier path. Stay with me...and pray for me!!